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Comic Book Cash, Issue #014 -- Five Origin and First Appearance Comic Books You've Never Heard Of! December 07, 2014 |
Comic Book Cash #14Five Origin and First Appearance Comics You've Never Heard Of!There are many hundreds of so-called "key issue" comic books that almost everybody knows. Action Comics #1 -- the first appearance of Superman Detective Comics #27 -- the first appearance of Batman Micronauts #8 -- the first appearance of Captain Universe (WHHHHAAAA?!) Hopefully this little newsletter will turn into a nice holiday gift for you all -- this year and for many years to come -- as you turn up lots of new comic book investment opportunities!So, Captain Universe, eh?Yeah. He's a big deal (sort of. Relatively speaking). At least in the massed, unpopular ranks of Micronauts and 3rd-string Bronze Age comic titles... 2012 average no data(!), there was a sale of a pedigree for $64 These can still be picked up in complete runs and sets. Four Other Little-Known FirstsI've delved into my First Appearance locker of doom to come up with four others for you. Maybe you know these (I've tipped some in the past) and maybe you don't... Captain America #360: First CrossbonesBig deal at the moment. Why? Make a sentence from the following words: RUMORS BLOODY INTERNET MOVIE. 2013 average $182 2014 average $210 Last sale $240 Marvel Two-in-One #52: First CrossfireThe Ant-Man movie needed a bad guy, and apparently Crossfire is it. This will make Two-in-One #52 the poor man's Jimmy Olsen #133... Probably. This is a Moon Knight appearance too. The lack of recent sales will soon be remedied as dealers rush their back issues to market. 2013 average no data(!) 2014 average no data(!) Last sale 2012 (not for long!) Ms Marvel #18: First MystiqueI was sick as a parrot to find a Ms Marvel #18-sized gap in a Bronze collection I recently acquired. Fortunately the CGC 9.8 grade for #1 made up for it... but still! Gift horse in the mouth, etc. First full Mystique. Insert your choice of movie rumors here. 2013 average $575 2014 average $1022 Last sale $950 Swamp Thing (1982) #37: First John Constantine / HellblazerMega TV show rumors have driven the price of this first appearance higher and higher. Softening ever so slightly now, but sure to be a good one to have for years to come. 2013 average $258 2014 average $535 Last sale $415 Hundreds More 1st Appearances... and How You Can Help!You can find EVERY (almost) first appearance of a major superhero or super-villain in our Origin and First Appearance index. I hope you love it as much as I do -- it was truly a labor of love, both for me/my writing team doing the research, and me building the thing over many months. There are two ways you can help, HUGELY, with this project: 1) Point out errors and omissions -- drop me an email (you can just hit reply) with what you've found lacking. We (and future users of the index) thank you in advance. 2) Share the love -- get on Facebook, Twitter, or your favorite comic book forum site and talk about our index. The more people who see it, the better it works to help the entire community.
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